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#22 (7-8, Eva Corbett) Guinea Pig Babies and Fibonacci Patterns

  • 04 Apr 2021 9:39 PM
    Message # 10272623
    Steven Ushakov (Administrator)

    Click the project title below to view the project!

    Guinea Pig Babies and Fibonacci Patterns

    Then, leave a question or comment for the mathematician(s)!

    What do you notice or wonder in their investigation?

  • 05 Apr 2021 8:17 AM
    Reply # 10274524 on 10272623

    Eva, Carol, and Lulu,

    Thank you for teaching me so much about both the Fibonacci Pattern AND guinea pigs!  What happens to the pattern when 1 guinea pig does not reproduce?  What about two?

  • 06 Apr 2021 8:37 AM
    Reply # 10278961 on 10272623

    Hi Eva-

    Thank you for your interesting project.  I love guinea pigs too!  They are so lovable :)

    I am interested in how you connected math to guinea pig babies.  I wonder what would happen to these projections if the litter sizes were larger?

    Good work!

  • 08 Apr 2021 11:12 AM
    Reply # 10287616 on 10274524
    Bridget wrote:

    Eva, Carol, and Lulu,

    Thank you for teaching me so much about both the Fibonacci Pattern AND guinea pigs!  What happens to the pattern when 1 guinea pig does not reproduce?  What about two?

    First of all thank you! Second in this problem we assumed that all guinea pigs reproduce one male and one female every litter, so not very realistic but to answer your question if that did happen it would make the pattern off and so it would not continue to be in a Fibonacci pattern. 
  • 08 Apr 2021 11:18 AM
    Reply # 10287624 on 10272623

    I love how you tied math to things you love, and how clearly your diagrams and charts showed your thinking.  I also loved how you considered whether this math dilemma could happen in real life, and why not.  I also love how you showed different examples in nature.  You are a great artist as well!

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