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The Official Website of the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics           

 VCTM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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October Newsletter

19 Oct 2023 9:17 AM | Steven Ushakov (Administrator)

Upcoming Events

News & Updates

Thank you ATOMIM for hosting the ATMNE Conference on Oct. 12-13, 2023!

We appreciate your hospitality and enjoyed the many discussions and new ideas we took away from the incredible presentations. While we can't wait for the chance to visit you in Maine again, we'll just have to look forward to seeing you when we all meet in New Hampshire for ATMNE 2024! 

Reminder to Submit Your Proposals for VCTM's 2024 Spring Conference!

Proposals to present at the conference are due October 31, 2023.

Addressing equity in our math classrooms is more important than ever these days! Together, we can make a difference in our students' lives but it starts with us being willing to come together and share our ideas about ways to change the culture in our classrooms, schools, districts, and beyond. 

Not sure which of your great ideas to submit? Never fear, you can submit more than 1 proposal for consideration! 

Final decisions on presenters will be made before December 15, 2023.

In the words of the oft quoted Maya Angelou: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."

Cornell Big Red Math Competition

The competition takes place Oct. 28, 2023.

While early bird registration may have passed, don't let that deter you from checking out this great opportunity with your students!

Register today!

NCTM Mathematics Education Trust Grants 

The NCTM Mathematics Education Trust (MET) is excited to announce that the application window is now open for 20 grants, with more than $100,000 in funding available to help support continued professional development and increasing effectiveness as an educator. These funding opportunities are available exclusively for NCTM members.

View funding opportunities.

Applications are due no later than November 1, 2023. 

Vermont State Mathematics Coalition is happy to announce the return of the Talent Search!

You can read more about the Talent Search itself on their website here:

You can access the 1st Talent Search (which is now up and available) by following this link:

Speaking of things we're happy to announce are returning...

The VCTM Math Fair Returns on Feb. 3, 2024!

Registration is now open for the Math Fair! You can sign up (by Dec. 15, 2023) using the form on our website: K-12 Math Fair

We can't wait to see you there!

Conferences & Events

Exemplars Webinar featuring Jay McTighe
Oct. 19, 2023 @3:00 pm

Jay McTighe, the world's foremost leader in using performance tasks to improve student learning, will be joining Exemplars for a unique conversation and webinar. Jay will discuss how asking students to apply their mathematical knowledge and develop their problem-solving skills to solve performance tasks using their own strategies and prior knowledge is shown to be highly engaging and powerfully effective in developing flexible, long-term abilities with mathematics.

Sign up to join the live conversation or to receive a recording:

Please join us for this unique, free, live conversation with one of education's premier contributors––and earn CE credit while you listen, ask questions and learn!

VT AOE: Math for All VIRTUAL Conference

VT AOE: Math for All VIRTUAL Conference is a free virtual conference for all educators. When you register for this conference, you will get the Zoom link for all three days and will be emailed the program of events so you can choose which workshops you would like to attend. Facilitators will go over tools and resources you need to raise achievement for every student.

Sessions will encompass All Learners Network's 5 Key Components:

  • High Leverage Concepts to focus instruction
  • A Main Lesson/Menu approach to foster inclusion and differentiation
  • A systems approach to improvement that includes the use of coaches and implementation science
  • Reliance on formative assessment practices to inform instruction
  • A Rapid Cycle of Inquiry to encourage participants to look for in-the-field solutions to frequent problems

We hope to see you VIRTUALLY on any and all of the following: November 8, 14, 29 from 3:30-5:30pm EST on Zoom.

The VT Agency of Education is sponsoring this event making it free for participants. Please contact with any questions.

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