The Official Website of the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics
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This three-part series on equity in mathematics education offers educators opportunities for structured dialogue about three critical areas that must be addressed to advance a more equitable mathematics education system for our students. Following a recent equity in mathematics education position statement, the series seeks to illuminate three areas: students’ identities and classroom experiences (session 1); modernizing mathematical programming (session 2); and the alignment of systems, including those that label, sort and select within the k-12 system, and those that have consequences as students move across systems and institutions (session 3). Each session includes an introduction to the focal area, a briefing on some relevant research and policy documents, structured dialogues, and opportunities to consider one’s own context and goals. As we invite people to this work, we emphasize that definitive answers are in short supply. Rather, we seek to deepen our collective understanding of the many layers and multiple facets of this issue, and begin the work of addressing inequities through collective dialogue and the contextualization of knowledge for practice, as a beginning step toward advancing more equitable systems and outcome in mathematics education.
Session 1: January 23, 2024
Equity in Mathematics Education: Part 1 – Access, Agency and Students’ Identities
We are thrilled to introduce Megan Staples who will be leading the Shining Light on the Work series and also presenting the Keynote address during the VCTM Spring Conference, Equity in Math Class, on April 11, 2024 at the Vermont State University, Castleton Campus.
Megan Staples is an Associate Professor of mathematics education in the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut. She is passionate about ensuring math classrooms are respectful, engaging places for all students, and that mathematics education provides opportunities for students to develop the mathematical skills and knowledge needed for full participation in their personal, civic, and professional lives.
VIEW THE RECORDING & Other Sessions Materials HERE.
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