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The Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Building an inclusive math community of students and educators through conversation, shared resources around evidence-based practices, and connections throughout Vermont and beyond.

VCTM is a proud affiliate of:

   Affiliate Logo Usage - NCSM Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England (ATMNE) - NCSM

VCTM is a Partner Affiliate (Charter #222) of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

NOVEMBER 11th, 2021 Announcement:

The Statewide Math Fair has been postponed until the Spring of 2024.

Please read the announcement below from VCTM for the rationale behind this postponement and our plans for the future.

Stay tuned for details regarding the 2023 fair being released at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year. In the meantime, we are searching for teachers, parents, and community members to serve on the 2023 Math Fair Committee to produce this event. If you are interested in helping in any capacity, please click here to express your interest.  

Welcome to the 2021 Virtual Statewide Math Fair!
April 5th - April 9th, 2021

April 8, 2021 UPDATEJoin us at the Closing Ceremony tonight 6:30-7:30pm! Google Meet Link:

April 6, 2021 UPDATE: Check out all of the projects this week and solve some problems with us! You can do so by replying to the threads in the blog below and scrolling down to open the problem-solving potluck. We hope to see you at the closing ceremony on Thursday April 8th at 6:30pm! 

April 5, 2021 UPDATE

Join us at the Opening Ceremony tonight 6:30-7:30pm! Google Meet Link:

April 5, 2021 UPDATEAll projects are now posted for public viewing, comment, and engagement! See our blog below on the right. Each thread contains a link to a project, the grade level, and names of the students. Further down, you will also find the problem-solving potluck!

April 2, 2021 UPDATE: VCTM will begin posting projects throughout the weekend for the Vermont Mathematics Community to view, share, and enjoy. Our blog will go live April 5th and we invite you to leave a comment or question for the mathematician(s)!

April 2, 2021 UPDATE: VCTM will also release a problem-solving potluck on April 5th. There will be a dish in there for anyone to enjoy! Yes... anyone! No significant mathematical knowledge or experience required, simply a curious mind and hunger to try something new. Stay tuned for further instructions during the opening ceremony. 

Engage with the Projects in our Blog Below:


Each thread is organized as follows:

[Project # (grade band, mathematician(s)) Title]


Don't Just Be a Spectator of Math, Do the Math!

Click the picture above or click here to solve problems with other mathematicians!

No experience necessary!! 

2021 Math Fair Flyer

March 29, 2021 UPDATE: VCTM has finalized the presentation/scoring interview schedule! This has been released to both participants and judges and can be found here

March 25, 2021 UPDATE: VCTM has updated the schedule of events for both participants and the public (see below in green and orange, respectively) and is in the process of finalizing the presentation/scoring interview schedule.

March 11, 2021 UPDATE: VCTM has released a preliminary schedule of events for both the participants and the public which can be found below.

March 8, 2021 UPDATERegistration is now closed. Please join us at the 2022 fair!

2021 Math Fair Flyer

November 2, 2020 UPDATEPlease visit our event webpage to officially register for the 2021 fair! The flyer below contains everything you need to know about how to register, embark on a mathematical investigation, and share your findings with the larger Vermont Mathematics Community!

ALL Vermont students (public, private, or homeschool) in grades K-12 are eligible to enter! 

And there is absolutely no entry fee this year!

The Purpose of the Math Fair is to:

  • Generate excitement around math,
  • Create a community of young mathematicians, sharing their work and seeing the work of their peers across the state and at different grade levels,
  • Provide low-stakes, public competition,
  • Present the opportunity for students to obtain evidence to demonstrate proficiency in transferable skills and math proficiency through a flexible pathway AND
  • Furnish students with feedback on their math thinking from a wide audience of mathematicians.

We’d like to thank our sponsors of past and present for making this event possible for Vermont Students since 2017: 

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