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The Official Website of the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics           

 VCTM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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August Newsletter (Updates & Events)

18 Aug 2024 12:17 PM | Steven Ushakov (Administrator)

News & Updates

Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England 2024 Fall Conference

We are getting very excited for the upcoming ATMNE conference, which is just weeks away. Join us as we “Awaken Student Agency!”. As a way to preview the conference, check out the program of events, which includes session descriptions. Participants can earn contact hours. Each session is ONE contact hour. Participants are responsible for tracking their hours.

The conference will be held on October 24-25 at the Sheraton Tara Hotel in Nashua, NH.

If you have not already,


Registration closes October 14th.

Thursday, October 24th Registration – $225.00
Registration includes 1-full day conference admittance, breakfast, and lunch.

Friday, October 25th Registration – $225.00
Registration includes 1-full day conference admittance, breakfast, and lunch.

Full Conference Registration – $375.00
Registration includes admittance to both conference days, breakfast, and lunch.

Group Registrants 5+ – $350.00
Register with 5 or more colleagues or friends and get a discount! Only available for full conference registration. Each person pays $350.

Pre-service and Retired Teachers – $125.00

Hotel rooms can be reserved at the Sheraton Tara Hotel Book by Thursday, October 3rd, for the special group rate.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in October!

ATMNE Book Chats

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England is hosting a book talk during the 2024-2025 school year, featuring Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom, by Kyndall Brown and Pam Seda.

A $5 registration fee provides the book (for the first 300 participants). Register for our book talk here. 

You can pick up the book at our 2024 ATMNE fall conference in Nashua, NH or we will send it to you.

Pam Seda, co-author of Choosing to See, will be a keynote speaker at the 2024 ATMNE fall conference. Pair the book (free with registration) and book talk with the conference and amplify your learning!

Join the VCTM Board as a Zone Representative!

At the Annual VCTM meeting on Apr. 11, 2024 a mostly complete slate of Board Members and positions was voted on, but we still have some vacancies!

In particular, we are still looking for a representative for Zone 6, which may or may not include these supervisory unions: Hartford, Orange East, Rivendell Interstate, SAU #70, Springfield, White River Valley, Windsor Central, Windsor Northwest, Windsor Southeast.

What does being a Zone Representative (or Board Member) entail? We meet as a full board every other month for about 2 hours, with additional subcommittee meetings as necessary, to share information from around the state and plan our lineup of engaging programming and events. With so much to do, we can always use more help!

If you or someone you know would be interested in joining us as a Zone representative or board member please send an email to

We're Now!

Wild Apricot still hosts our site, but we've recently adopted a new domain name to make sending your friends there a little easier! Come check us out today at:

VCTM Mission Statement

At our recent Board Members' Retreat we found ourselves reviewing all the work we've done over the past year to grow and improve in order to better meet the needs and interests of math educators throughout the state. As we did so, it soon became clear that perhaps our mission statement needed a little revision so that it matches our aspirations. After a unanimous vote, we adopted the following updated mission statement:

Building an inclusive math community of students and educators through conversation, shared resources around evidence-based practices, and connections throughout Vermont and beyond.

Upcoming Events

Conferences & Events

Save the Dates!

ATMNE 2025 is being hosted by ATMIM in Marlborough, MA on October 30 & 31, 2025 with a theme of: Mathematics without Limits

Stay tuned for more details about:

  • 2024 ATMNE: NHTM
  • 2025 ATMNE: ATMIM 
  • 2026 ATMNE: RIMTA 
  • 2027 ATMNE: ATOMIC
  • 2028 ATMNE: VCTM

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